Headshot of Muddy Sneakers Field Instructor Lucy Carte, smiling at the camera.

Lucy Carte

Lucy Carte, a native of the Carolinas, has been exploring the Appalachian Mountains since fifth grade. Her love for the outdoors grew through her summers spent at Johns River Valley Camp, where she continues to work each season. There, she helps elementary—to high school-aged kids enjoy the wilderness through activities like hiking, biking, rock climbing, archery, spelunking, kayaking, rafting, and community service.

Lucy earned a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and is a licensed teacher. She spent 10 years teaching in the North Carolina public school system before joining the Muddy Sneakers team, where her passion for outdoor education thrives. Lucy creates outdoor classroom experiences that inspire students and foster a deep connection to nature.

Headshot of Muddy Sneakers Field Instructor Lucy Carte, smiling at the camera.

When she’s not leading expeditions for Muddy Sneakers, Lucy often substitute teaches or hikes with friends. She lives in Spencer with her husband, Chuck, their six cats, and two turtles. In her free time, Lucy enjoys knitting, cooking, watching scary movies, enjoying musical theater, reading, and playing cards. She is also currently pursuing her North Carolina Environmental Educator certification.

Muddy Sneakers is thrilled to have Lucy Carte on the team. Her dedication to outdoor education and environmental stewardship makes her a vital part of our programming team!