
Whether the Weather be Cold… or Whether the Weather be Hot

Do you know how tornados are formed?

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch

Big storms swept across the southeast the other night. You may have heard some tornado warnings in your area! Do you know what causes a tornado? Learn along with this video about how wind, altitude, and temperature combine to create these dangerous formations.

Here are some guiding questions while you watch. If you can’t figure out the answers, message us at info@muddysneakers.org and we can help you out!

What causes tornadoes?
1.) A specific rotating thunderstorm causes tornadoes. What is this thunderstorm called?

2.) What factors causes the formation of a super cell?

3.) How fast can the winds of a tornado reach?

4.) Scientists study weather patterns in order to warn people of severe weather happening in their area. What are these scientists called?

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