
Wild Things- Create a Creature!

Imagine your neighborhood was filled with fantastical creatures. What would you dream up? Find inspiration in nature and create your own fantasy creature that can find its essential resources (food, water, shelter and space) right in your own backyard! 

Take a walk around the neighborhood, or your backyard, and find something in nature that inspires you. It could be biotic (living) like an acorn cap or a blooming tree, or abiotic (non-living) like a shimmering rock or animal track! Find a spot you can write and draw where you can see your natural item. Come up with different ways an imaginary organism might interact with your object.

How does the imaginary organism use the nature item for food, shelter, or to obtain water?  How is the imaginary organism specialized to interact with the found nature item?  What are the imaginary organism’s specialized traits or adaptations

Write your ideas down as a story or poem! Then draw a picture of your new creature, and add in labels to explain what makes it unique. What does your imaginary creature look like? Ours has specialized grinder teeth to chew rocks and fur shaped like daisy petals to blend into a meadow! Get creative, and show us a sketch, a story, or a poem about what you dreamed up! 

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