
Write Some Poet-Tree!

Looking for a great way to reflect on your observations of nature? All you need is a writing utensil, some paper, and some time to think. Let’s make nature poetry!

Whether you are looking out your window, using your imagination, or looking above you in your yard, find a quiet place where you can see a tree. Take a few minutes to look at (or remember) as many details as you can find, walking around the tree or just observing all its parts from roots to the canopy.

Write down some words you think of: what do you see? What do you feel? What does it remind you of? Does the tree remind you of any memories you have? Does it smell? Try to engage all your senses in these observations! Then, when you’re ready, turn these thoughts into a poem about the tree, or even multiple poems! You could write it in the shape of your tree, as a haiku, or however you would like to design it, you’re the poet!

Here’s a great example by poet, Mathilde Blind:
“Blossom of the apple trees!
Mossy trunks all gnarled and hoary,
Grey boughs tipped with rose-veined glory,
Clustered petals soft as fleece
Garlanding old apple trees!”

We would love to read your own poem! To share your tree poetry with us, take a picture and send it to info@muddysneakers.org and we will share them with our Muddy Sneakers instructors and followers!

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