
Nature’s Storyline

Want to practice navigating through your environment while telling your own story about the land? Take a friend or family member on a treasure hunt with this game we call Nature’s Storyline!

First, choose or create a treasure you want to hide. We love hiding things that can be camouflaged in the environment so they are trickier to find: a green Muddy Sneakers bandana; a rock painted with earth-tones; or a sculpture created with acorns, pinecones and leaves. Then, choose a place where your friend or family member will start their journey (this might be your back porch, the giant oak tree in the yard, or the trailhead sign at your local park). Start your own journey there, and create a story to describe your path as you seek out a hiding place. Notice what types of land features are nearby, describe or name the plants you see, and use your words to paint a picture of what you walk past. As you create your story-path, remember to include where to turn or stop. Once you have found a hiding place and gently camouflaged your treasure, share your storyline. Remember to tell your friend or family member not only what their journey will look like, but also what treasure they seek.

If you don’t want to recite your storyline from memory, try these strategies or make up your own, unique technique!

  • Take notes during your journey to help you remember your path
  • Draw a map of your journey to highlight your landmarks
  • Keeping Leave No Trace principles in mind, collect small items along your journey to help you remember important landmarks
  • Turn your path into a piece of writing– turn it into a poem, written story, or comic


Imagine you’ve been told of a hidden treasure–where could this storyline take you?

“Start at the large oak tree and look towards the blackberry bushes. Walk towards them passing purple, white, and yellow flowers until you reach a mossy stump. Turn right and let the path of pine saplings lead you to a large pile of rocks. When you find the patch of orange lichen on one of the rocks, look beneath to find your treasure!”


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