
Rainy Day Bingo


With rain in the North Carolina forecast this weekend, we thought we’d make this weekend’s exploration all about rainy weather! Choose your own adventure by seeking your Bingo from home, or while splashing through the puddles outside. What can you uncover on these drizzly days? There are so many wonders to be found in the rain, whether seeking from indoors or out! So have fun, practice awareness of flood and storm warnings in your area, and happy scavenging and seeking!

For a downloadable link, check out: Rainy Day Bingo

or Bingo de día lluvioso

Want a refresher on nephology (the study of clouds)? Here’s a basic description of the three main types and a diagram from our student journals.

Cirrus: thin, wispy clouds high in the sky

Cumulus: fluffy, puffy clouds usually in the middle of the sky

Stratus: low-level clouds that are often grey, and may seem to cover the sky like a blanket

For a more in-depth downloadable cloud ID guide, check out this one from the World Meteorological Organization: Cloud ID Guide

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