
Bug Spots!

Carl Sandburg was an American poet who lived from 1878 to 1967. He was born in Illinois, where his parents had immigrated from Sweden. His family moved to Flat Rock, North Carolina in 1945, and lived there for the rest of his life. His home in Flat Rock is now a Historic Site managed by the National Park Service. Today, you can still visit the house he lived in and the land that inspired him to write poems.

Here are some guided questions to think about:
1.) What biotic factors did you read about in the poem?
2.) What abiotic factors did you read about in the poem?
3.) Based on your science knowledge, what are two “errands” this bug might have in a rotting log?
4.) Do you think the bug in the poem actually has a “bedroom” or a “hammock”?
5.) What season of the year is it when the bug is “hung up, stuck away,/ stashed”?

To explore your creative side, imagine what the bug’s “bedroom” looks like! Draw what you think would be there or even write your own poem!

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