
Muddy Sneakers Magic

It’s always heartwarming to hear about Muddy Sneakers moments being brought home and shared with students’ families and friends, but this story was exceptionally gratifying.

During a recent expedition, Instructor Deb introduced students to the value of identifying trees – as well as the consequences of an incorrect identification.

One student took it upon herself to apply the knowledge she gained in the field at home. We received the following note after her expedition:

“At the Muddy Sneakers field trip, Eden learned to ID sassafras. Today she found and dug some plants, then made homemade root beer and root beer floats for us!

Thanks for an amazing experience for her.”

Muddy Sneakers student, Eden, poses with a glass of her homemade sassafras root beer.

Muddy Sneakers student, Eden, poses with a glass of her homemade sassafras root beer.

Eden’s instructor, Deb, described Eden as “full of questions and observations with such a kind heart. Eden is a pursuer of knowledge and thoroughly enjoys nature.”

Way to go, Eden! We hope you continue to learn and explore – during Muddy Sneakers and beyond!

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